Reproductive Services
Whether your dog is part of a breeding program or she is a great dog and you want to have one litter, sometimes it just doesn’t happen. Bellevue Animal Clinic offers reproductive services that can improve the odds of pregnancy and can assist in delivery, if necessary.
Ovulation Timing - Proper ovulation timing increases the chance of success for any breeding.
Cytology - We perform vaginal cytology on female dogs to monitor her progress through proestrus and into estrus. Microscopic examination of the cells track the changes as she nears ovulation. Often, more than one cytology is necessary.
Progesterone - Progesterone is an excellent tool to identify optimum breeding dates. Our in- house lab can run a progesterone level from a small blood sample. Progesterone is a hormone that rises after the luteinizing hormone (LH) peaks. LH is what triggers ovulation.
Thyroid - Thyroid level is an additional consideration for dogs having difficulty with fertility, and should be performed on your female dog before her estrus cycle. Our in-house lab can also run a thyroid level from a small blood sample.
Artificial Insemination - Artificial insemination (AI) can be performed utilizing semen from fresh, extended or frozen sources. Fresh AI is indicated in situations where a natural breeding cannot or should not be completed due to physical problems, behavioral refusal to mate, or other considerations. Chilled or extended semen offer the best chance of obtaining a long distance breeding without the risks and problems of transporting either dog long distances. Planning these type breedings should be done well before the female is in heat.
All parties involved (both dog owners and veterinarians) should be aware of their responsibilities well in advance. Frozen semen is the third type of semen utilized in artificial insemination. Frozen semen can be collected years prior to being used for insemination.
Ultrasound and Radiographs – During your female’s pregnancy, we can monitor her and the puppies via ultrasound and or radiographs. Each procedure has its own advantages. Our veterinarians will consult with you regarding the advantages and the timing of the procedures.

Artificial insemination of female, used progesterone for timing, chilled semen shipped from out of state
Delivery - Most females give birth without any complications. Occasionally, a female needs help with delivery. Sometimes, medical therapy can assist the female in delivery. Other times, a caesarian section (C-section) is required.
During a C-section, the female is placed under general anesthesia. A surgical incision is made into her abdomen, and then into the uterus to retrieve unborn puppies (or kittens). In some situations, we may recommend that the mother be spayed during this procedure, usually to prevent future problems.
Bellevue Animal Clinic provides reproduction services to pet owners in Opelousas, Carencro, Church Point, Port Barre, Breaux Bridge, and other nearby communities.